8 Fun Facts About Life in Turkey That Excite Foreigners

Turkey has become a very popular tourist destination due to its exotic culture, beautiful beaches, and of course, delicious food. However, in the life and customs of this town there are many fascinating facts that are not always found in tourist guides. To really get to know a place like Turkey, there is nothing better than immersing yourself in the way of life of the locals.

  1. Turkish baths, or hammams, delight both tourists and local residents.

The famous Turkish baths are appreciated not only for the relaxing effects of the steam. They also represent a very important part of Turkish culture as a meeting place and a deep cleansing of body and soul. These public toilets are very common and can be found all over the country. Another thing that makes them favorites among tourists is their impressive architectural beauty.

  1. Tea is the national drink of the Turks.

It is true that there is a great coffee tradition in Türkiye; however, the most popular drink among Turks is tea. There is no special time to enjoy a delicious cup of tea. They start drinking it during breakfast and continue until bedtime. Offering guests a cup of tea is the greatest sign of hospitality, and in every Turkish home there is always a teapot ready to be served.

  1. You can move from one continent to another in 3 minutes.

Istanbul is divided between 2 continents, Europe and Asia. To go from one continent to another, you can take a boat across the Bosphorus or just drive over the July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge. In just 3 minutes you will find yourself on another continent and on both sides of the city you can enjoy a rich history and an exciting mix of cultures.

  1. Wildcats are respected and welcome everywhere.

In fact, Istanbul is known as the “City of Cats”. It is not at all strange to see cats dozing peacefully in cafes, restaurants or shops. In Türkiye, cats are highly respected and welcome in all establishments. People take care of them, providing them with food, clean water and a safe shelter.

  1. A typical dessert is based on chicken breast.

The Turkish palate is used to exotic flavors and mixes of ingredients that are sometimes hard to imagine. This is the case of a very simple but familiar dessert: the chicken breast pudding. This is a creamy recipe that mixes milk, vanilla, sugar and thin strips of chicken breast. Finally, it is sprinkled with cinnamon and often served with tea or coffee.

  1. Smiling at strangers is frowned upon in Türkiye.

The Turks are undoubtedly one of the most hospitable peoples in the world. However, when dealing with strangers, they can be very reserved. Smiling at strangers is quite awkward for locals and is even frowned upon. On the other hand, with acquaintances, the Turks are quite warm and will do everything to make you feel welcome.

  1. Yogurt is essential in all meals.

Yogurt is an integral part of Turkish cuisine and is served with almost every meal. It is used as a base for cold cucumber and herb soups, sauces, condiments, and even ayran, a very popular refreshing drink diluted with water and mixed with salt. You can also add fruit and sugar, turning it into a dessert. There are no restrictions for Turks when it comes to incorporating yogurt into their food and drinks, sweet or savoury.

  1. Shoes are left at the entrance of the house.

It is more than forbidden to enter Turkish houses with shoes. But unlike other European countries, where even shoes are taken out and left in a special shoe cabinet, Turks take off their shoes when they enter their houses. The owner will most likely offer slippers to his guests, which is why most homes have plenty.

What curiosities from other countries surprised you, do you know? Tell us what unusual customs from other places you would like to adopt at home.