A Guide to How Long Various Dog Breeds Live

Dogs are often considered to be beloved members of the family. And when you bring a furry friend into your home, it’s important to consider several factors, including the breed’s lifespan. Some breeds have a life expectancy of less than 10 years, while others can live as long as 20 years or more.


As a dog owner, it is important that you give him enough attention and exercise. Dogs need daily walks to release their energy and stay active. Some dogs may benefit from off-leash exercise in designated areas where they can run and play.

Also, many owners prefer to enroll their pets in trainings or other events in special clubs. The type and amount of activity depends on the individual needs of the dog and the preferences of the owner.


In order for your canine companion to live a long life, it’s important to keep a close eye on his health, schedule routine checkups, and make sure he receives his regular vaccinations and other necessary treatments. Also, if your furry friend suffers from a chronic illness, it is very important to keep it under control and follow your vet’s advice.

It is important to note that certain breeds of dogs are more likely to develop certain diseases. Familiarize yourself with these breeds and their associated symptoms so you can quickly seek professional help if necessary.

Keep in mind that just like humans, dogs need regular dental checkups. Neglecting oral health can lead to periodontal disease, which leads to gum disease and tooth loss.


Maintaining good hygiene is crucial to your pet’s well-being. Neglecting basic housekeeping rules can lead to the growth of bacteria in your pet’s bowls, as well as other surfaces in your home.

  • After a walk, it is very important to thoroughly wash your pet’s paws and any other dirty areas. Make sure there is no debris or dirt between the paw pads and under the claws to avoid potential health problems.
  • Regular bathing of the dog is essential depending on the breed and coat.
  • If your pet has medium or long hair, it is important to brush it regularly.
  • It is extremely important to check your pet’s ears and eyes regularly and keep them clean.
  • It is important to take care of your pet’s teeth and monitor their condition. You can use a special toothpaste to clean your dog’s teeth, following your vet’s advice.
  • To keep your pet healthy, remember to wash their feeders every day to keep them clean.
  • It is important to wash and disinfect your pet’s toys regularly, using mild detergents that do not cause allergies.
  • It is also important to remember to clean your clothes, towels and bedding regularly.


Providing your dog with a healthy, balanced diet is key, whether you buy dog food or make your own. Your dog’s diet should include essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for an active life. It is very important to consult your veterinarian and follow their recommendations regarding your dog’s dietary needs.

It’s important to make sure your dog doesn’t overeat, as being overweight can negatively affect his health and potentially shorten his lifespan. Making sure your pet has constant access to clean drinking water is also crucial, as dogs cannot live without water.

Which dogs live longer

Small animals and insects generally have shorter life spans than larger ones in nature. For example, houseflies live for about a month, mice for 2-3 years, horses for up to 30 years, and African elephants for up to 70 years. However, when it comes to dogs, size doesn’t necessarily correlate with lifespan.

As a general rule, small dogs have a longer life expectancy than large breeds. While the reason for this is not fully understood, experts suggest that age-related diseases tend to develop earlier in large breeds. Small dogs typically live for 10 to 15 years, with some breeds living to be 18 years or longer. The life expectancy of medium breed dogs is around 10-13 years, while large breed dogs usually live between 8 and 12 years.

  • Small dogs live from 10 to 15 years and some breeds live to be 18 years or more.
  • Medium-sized dogs live 10-13 years, but some breeds live longer.
  • Large dogs live from 8 to 12 years.

It is important to note that these numbers are averages and can vary by breed and individual dog. For more specific information, it is best to consult the breed description or contact your veterinarian. It has been observed that mixed-breed dogs tend to live longer than purebreds, possibly due to their stronger immune systems and lower chance of genetic disease.